Friday, February 27, 2009

Importance Algorithms by Jung

>>> BaryCenter(someGraph)
A simple node importance ranker based on the total shortest path of the node. More central nodes in a connected component will have smaller overall shortest paths, and 'peripheral' nodes on the network will have larger overall shortest paths. Runing this ranker on a graph with more than one connected component will arbitarily mix nodes from both components. For this reason you should probably run this ranker on one
component only (but that goes for all rankers).
A simple example of usage is:
BaryCenter ranker = new BaryCenter(someGraph);


Computes betweenness centrality for each vertex and edge in the graph. The result is that each vertex and edge has a UserData element of type MutableDouble whose key is 'centrality.BetweennessCentrality'.
Note: Many social network researchers like to normalize the betweenness values by dividing the values by (n-1)(n-2)/2. The values given here are unnormalized.
A simple example of usage is:
BetweennessCentrality ranker = new BetweennessCentrality(someGraph);

>>> DegreeDistributionRanker(someGraph)

A simple node importance ranker based on the degree of the node. The user can specify whether s/he wants to use the indegree or the outdegree as the metric. If the graph is undirected this option is effectively ignored. So for example, if the graph is directed and the user chooses to use in-degree, nodes with the highest in-degree will be ranked highest and similarly nodes with the lowest in-degree will be ranked lowest.
A simple example of usage is:
DegreeDistributionRanker ranker = new DegreeDistributionRanker(someGraph);

>>> HITS(someGraph)
Calculates the "hubs-and-authorities" importance measures for each node in a graph. These measures are defined recursively as follows:
The *hubness* of a node is the degree to which a node links to other important authorities
The *authoritativeness* of a node is the degree to which a node is pointed to by important hubs
Note: This algorithm uses the same key as HITSWithPriors for storing rank sccores.
A simple example of usage is:
HITS ranker = new HITS(someGraph);

>>> HITSWithPriors(someGraph,0.3,rootSet)

Algorithm that extends the HITS algorithm by incorporating root nodes (priors). Whereas in HITS the importance of a node is implicitly computed relative to all nodes in the graph, now importance is computed relative to the specified root nodes.
A simple example of usage is:
HITSWithPriors ranker = new HITSWithPriors(someGraph,0.3,rootSet);

>>> KStepMarkov(someGraph,rootSet,6,null)
Algorithm variant of PageRankWithPriors that computes the importance of a node based upon taking fixed-length random walks out from the root set and then computing the stationary probability of being at each node. Specifically, it computes the relative probability that the markov chain will spend at any particular node, given that it start in the root set and ends after k steps.
A simple example of usage is:
KStepMarkov ranker = new KStepMarkov(someGraph,rootSet,6,null);

>>> MarkovCentrality

>>> PageRank(someGraph,0.15)
This algorithm measures the importance of a node in terms of the fraction of time spent at that node relative to all other nodes. This fraction is measured by first transforming the graph into a first-order Markov chain where the transition probability of going from node u to node v is equal to (1-alpha)*[1/outdegree(u)] + alpha*(1/|V|) where |V| is the # of vertices in the graph and alpha is a parameter typically set to be between 0.1 and 0.2 (according to the authors). If u has no out-edges in the original graph then 0 is used instead of 1/outdegree(v). Once the markov chain is created, the stationary probability of being at each node (state) is computed using an iterative update method that is guaranteed to converge if the markov chain is ergodic.
A simple example of usage is:
PageRank ranker = new PageRank(someGraph,0.15);

>>> PageRankWithPriors(someGraph,0.3,1,rootSet,null)
Algorithm that extends the PageRank algorithm by incorporating root nodes (priors). Whereas in PageRank the importance of a node is implicitly computed relative to all nodes in the graph now importance is computed relative to the specified root nodes.
Note: This algorithm uses the same key as PageRank for storing rank sccores
A simple example of usage is:
PageRankWithPriors ranker = new PageRankWithPriors(someGraph,0.3,1,rootSet,null);

>>> RandomWalkBetweenness(someGraph) !!! undirected

Computes betweenness centrality for each vertex in the graph. The betweenness values in this case are based on random walks, measuring the expected number of times a node is traversed by a random walk averaged over all pairs of nodes. The result is that each vertex has a UserData element of type
MutableDouble whose key is 'centrality.RandomWalkBetweennessCentrality'
A simple example of usage is:
RandomWalkBetweenness ranker = new RandomWalkBetweenness(someGraph);

>>> RandomWalkBetweenness(someGraph,someSource,someTarget)
Computes s-t betweenness centrality for each vertex in the graph. The betweenness values in this case are based on random walks, measuring the expected number of times a node is traversed by a random walk from s to t. The result is that each vertex has a UserData element of type
MutableDouble whose key is 'centrality.RandomWalkBetweennessCentrality'
A simple example of usage is:
RandomWalkSTBetweenness ranker = new RandomWalkBetweenness(someGraph,someSource,someTarget);

>>> VoltageRanker
Ranks vertices in a graph according to their 'voltage' in an approximate solution to the Kirchoff equations. This is accomplished by tying "source" vertices to specified positive voltages, "sink" vertices to 0 V, and iteratively updating the voltage of each other vertex to the (weighted) average of the voltages of its neighbors. The resultant voltages will all be in the range [0, max] where max is the largest voltage of any source vertex (in the absence of negative source voltages; see below). A few notes about this algorithm's interpretation of the graph data: Higher edge weights are interpreted as indicative of greater influence/effect than lower edge weights. Negative edge weights (and negative "source" voltages) invalidate the interpretation of the resultant values as voltages. However, this algorithm will not reject graphs with negative edge weights or source voltages.Parallel edges are equivalent to a single edge whose weight is the sum of the weights on the parallel edges. Current flows along undirected edges in both directions, but only flows along directed edges in the direction of the edge.

>>> WeightedNIPaths(someGraph,2.0,6,rootSet)

This algorithm measures the importance of nodes based upon both the number and length of disjoint paths that lead to a given node from each of the nodes in the root set. Specifically the formula for measuring the importance of a node is given by: I(t|R) = sum_i=1_|P(r,t)|_{alpha^|p_i|} where alpha is the path decay coefficient, p_i is path i and P(r,t) is a set of maximum-sized node-disjoint paths from r to t.
This algorithm uses heuristic breadth-first search to try and find the maximum-sized set of node-disjoint paths between two nodes. As such, it is not guaranteed to give exact answers.
A simple example of usage is:
WeightedNIPaths ranker = new WeightedNIPaths(someGraph,2.0,6,rootSet);

1 comment:

Gunjan said...

I see that you have mentioned Betweenness Centrality in the post. I was hoping if you could suggest how to interpret an output of the same snippet shown.

The output I am getting is
Rank 1: 0 Vertex Id: 1 (1)
Rank 2: 0 Vertex Id: 2 (2)
Rank 3: 0 Vertex Id: 3 (3)
Total: 0
I would be grateful if you could help.